How to Revise an Essay – A Simple Step-By-Step Guide
How to Revise an Essay

Many students score poor grades because they don’t know how to revise an essay. Writing a brilliant essay requires time, skills, and experience. However, you should revise your essay after writing it to make it better. That way, the educator will have minimal reasons to give you a low grade. It’s crucial to note that revising an essay doesn’t mean a student is a bad writer. Continue reading “How to Revise an Essay – A Simple Step-By-Step Guide”

How To Write A Counter Argument Properly?
how to write counter argument

How to write a counter argument is a bit tricky question as it is a viewpoint that opposes your main argument. In fact the English Cambridge dictionary gives the counter argument definition as an argument against another argument. The counter argument meaning is to understand your own argument better. This type of essay will allow you to think about the problem as a whole rather than just your idea of it.

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How To Title An Essay And Grab Reader’s Attention
how to title an essay

Should an essay have a title? Of course! An essay title of your paper speaks volumes about its content. How you create an essay title is an important factor in determining the marks you will get. This is because the essay title must impress the reader, in this case, your teacher. If the title is catchy and interesting, the reader will be persuaded to read your entire paper. This is the reason why you must be careful with the words selected for the title. And, it is not just in the title; the words you use in the entire essay should be carefully thought about to get more marks.

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How To Start An Essay With A Hook: Simple Recommendations To Use
how to start an essay

It is true that many students lack the inspiration to get started on their essay. They stare at a blank paper, and their minds get blank. Is there a way out? Instead of getting stuck, you should consider seeking online writing help offered by professionals. But before you do that, take a look at this guide to find out more information, and maybe get some inspiration.

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