How To Restate A Thesis In A Conclusion: An Expert Guide

how to restate a thesis

Are you struggling with how to restate a thesis in your paper? It is a big challenge for many students and could easily pull down your grade even after working so hard on the entire paper. One of the biggest mistakes you can make is simply copy-pasting the thesis on the introduction, but “what does restating mean?” and “what is the best method to employ?”

The lovely thing is that we are here to elucidate how to restate a thesis in a conclusion like a pro. Keep reading for a step-by-step guide and examples on restating a thesis.

Restate Thesis Statement: What Does It Mean?

To demonstrate how to restate a thesis statement articulately, let’s start by going back to the definition. So, what is a thesis?

A thesis statement is a sentence used to summarize the central point of your essay, paper, or dissertation. It comes towards the end of the introduction and tells readers about the core idea that you will put across.

If you are writing a paper on a topic, say, Hunger in Africa, a good thesis might be hunger is rampant in Africa because jobs in the continent are scarce, and agriculture practiced in infertile soils is unprofitable.

So, what does restate thesis mean? This implies that you are returning to the initial hypothesis or question and restating it in different words. Restating a thesis comes at the conclusion of a research paper, and it implies you are reminding the reader about the central argument of the entire write-up and then wrapping it up with the summary.

A carefully restated thesis signals your reader that the paper is coming to a close. If you are writing a dissertation, the restated thesis marks the starting point of telling readers whether your stand on the paper was approved or not. In the next section, we highlight the recommended length of the thesis restate and some of the best strategies to write it down.

How Long Does A Thesis Restate Have To Be?

The length of a thesis restate should be determined by the entire conclusion. When writing a paper or essay, the conclusion should be a small part of the entire length. Then, only use a small fraction of the conclusion for the thesis restate, as the summary of the paper and personal opinion takes up the rest. No matter the size of the conclusion, you should target one thing: ensuring that the thesis restate is of the highest possible quality.

How Do You Rephrase A Thesis Statement?

The best way to rephrase a thesis statement is to understand the basics and change different aspects to present the same information. So, here are the four most important basics of restating a thesis statement in the conclusion of your paper.

  1. Determine Where You Will Position The Thesis Restate

    The most preferred point for thesis restatement is the beginning of the introduction, but you might like to place it elsewhere, and it is okay. So, it is prudent to start by making up your mind about the place to position the statement. To do this, you can:

    Sketch the conclusion by putting down the main points to get a clearer idea about the perfect place for the restated thesis statement. Depending on the type of essay or research paper, you might want to start the conclusion with a rhetorical device or question as opposed to a thesis statement. Immediately after the question, put down the thesis statement.

    Unlike the body of an essay or paper, where the design and structure are pretty strict, you have the freedom to determine how the conclusion will be. So, try different designs to identify the perfect point.

  2. Use Thesis Restate To Strengthen Your Paper

    When readers are at the introduction of your paper, they use the thesis statement to get a feel of what the entire write-up is about. Once they get to the end, they will have seen all the core points. Therefore, this is an excellent opportunity to strengthen your paper. Here is how you should capitalize on the main points to make the paper even more outstanding:

    • Provide a greater level of emotional impact to the original argument of the paper.
    • You might also want to restate the thesis by incorporating a relationship established with the reader. In this case, the thesis restatement will be very useful in drawing a stronger connection with readers.
  3. Make Sure To Answer The Big Question: “Why?”

    After going through your paper, readers want to get the answer to the big question, “Why?” In other words, you should tell the reader why the paper is significant. In doing so, you will be strengthening the conclusion and entire paper.

    Let’s take an example. If your paper talked about drug abuse in colleges, revisiting the question “why?” could mean demonstrating the importance of the argument for both staff and students. This allows the reader to easily link the paper to the argued solution, such as educating students on drug abuse.

  4. Avoid Apologizing In The Restatement

    When writing the thesis restatement, you should assume that the reader has gone through all the points and understood the argument introduced at the beginning of the paper. Therefore, you should not apologize because that will weaken the research paper.

    Avoid using phrases such as “it is possible that” or “it appears like” because they look apologetic. The unique instance that such phrases might work is when conditional language is part of the main argument. The best way to present the conclusion is presenting it with confidence. If there is some opposition to the main argument, you should also acknowledge it but without using absolute statements that can alienate readers.

Ways To Restate A Thesis In A Conclusion

You restate a thesis statement by making it look different from the original one but without altering the meaning. So, here are the main strategies that you should employ:

  • Use Different Words But With Similar Meaning When Restating A Thesis Statement

    The question “are you supposed to reword your thesis in the conclusion paragraph?” is probably one of the commonest among students when working on their assignments. We must say that rewording is one of the most effective methods of restating a thesis. So, how does it work when restating a thesis?

    Consider looking for synonyms for important words and concepts presented in the original thesis and use them when restating the statement. Your standard or online dictionary can help you to identify the synonyms and interweave them to form the restated thesis statement. Remember that words, such as prepositions and articles, do not need to be changed in the restated thesis statement.

  • Change The Structure Of The Thesis Statement

    Another method of restating a thesis statement in your paper is changing its structure. You can achieve this by employing various elements of speech to write a new thesis statement. For instance, if the initial thesis started with the subject, you can consider starting the new one with a preposition phrase. Let’s highlight this with restate thesis example:

    Thesis: Students in universities are commonly complicit in academic dishonesty.

    Restated thesis: In many universities, students like copying and cheating in their assignments.

  • Breakdown The Essay Into Individual Points

    If the thesis statement used in the introduction had several points, one excellent idea for restating it is to separate them. This makes it easier for the reader to learn more about the core points presented in the paper. You can even spread the main points in the paper to reduce monotony and make the paper more interesting.

  • Change The Tense Of Your Thesis Statement

    This method might work best on some papers, especially speeches and dialogues. For example, if your original thesis statement indicated that “I will evaluate the results of embracing school feeding programs,” consider altering the tense. The restated thesis might look like this, “I demonstrated the benefits that come with using school feeding programs.” Then, wrap the entire post by summarizing the core points.

Useful Tips To Consider When Rewording A Thesis

Now that you’ve got the process of writing and restating a custom thesis, here are some small tips to keep in mind:

  • Always make sure there is a clear flow of the main points from the start of the paper to the conclusion.
  • Like other parts of the paper, the restated thesis should not have grammatical mistakes.
  • Try to read papers and dissertations done by experts to understand how they wrote theirs.
  • If your teacher has a specific guideline for different parts of the paper, make sure to factor it in.
  • Look at the paper from a holistic viewpoint as opposed to the conclusion alone when restating the thesis statement.

Seek Expert Assistance To Restate Thesis In Your Conclusion

Now that we have looked at the best strategies for restating a thesis statement, it is time to get down to work. Make sure to follow the advice carefully, but if you still find how to rephrase a thesis challenging, the best option is to seek writing help from expert essay writers. You cannot afford to give up because getting the best grades in your class is crucial in moving up the career ladder.

If you have been wondering about the best ways to prepare A-rated assignments, our custom research paper writing service is here to help. Our world wide online service has the best writers to help every university/ college student prepare quality work. They not only know how to restate the thesis of college papers articulately but can also prepare the entire write-up in different subjects to guarantee you top grades in your paper. Our services are also cheap, and all that you need to do is to visit and tell us to “restate my thesis.”

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