Compare and Contrast Essay Examples

At one time in our culture, marriage was the norm and living together was an evil referred to as “living in sin”. Society has shifted, and suddenly living together is not only socially acceptable, some pop culture psychologies even go so far as to advocate it as a precursor to...

659 words | 3 page(s)

The schools in the world today can be categorized into two distinct types, private and public schools. The essay explains the major similarities and differences between the public and private schools across the globe. Both the public and private schools follow a certain curriculum that set by the relevant education...

856 words | 3 page(s)

All contemporary societies are shaped by their usage of technology, allowing for the review of information through different mediums, different methods of addressing issues that may arise, different methods of completing tasks, and even new and innovative means of entertaining and controlling the masses. In spite of the many different...

677 words | 3 page(s)

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The 4-track and 8-track technologies that were used to produce the Beatles' Taxman and Marvin Gaye's What's Going On are distinguishable by the overall richness of sound. Taxman, which uses the 4-track recording process, has a very distinct stereo sound, with both the left and right channels containing different sounds...

298 words | 1 page(s)

Movies are often remade, and the same stories are told over and over again in different manners; throughout the different perspectives, cinematic effects, and cultural shifts, it is possible to understand how easily it may be for a story to be changed. “Bonnie and Clyde” was produced in 1967; starring...

654 words | 3 page(s)

Since the early days of the U.S. history, women and minorities have been the objects of discrimination and oppression in the American society. Indeed, slavery was formally banned only after the Civil War, and it continued to exist in the form of segregation till the 1960s, when the Civil Rights...

962 words | 4 page(s)

Pollit and Staples both tell stories about the way in which society reacts to different kinds of people and different social groups. They also both suggest that these reactions say more about society and the way in which people learn their behaviour than they do about individual members of the...

943 words | 4 page(s)

Topic 1: Giving Local Culture Its Due? Understanding local culture provides a huge advantage for managers working in business competition, as it allows them the ability to not only know and understand the culture in which they are working, but allows them to make sure that in spite of the...

739 words | 3 page(s)

The free world economy owes its success to capitalism. However, capitalism itself comes in several different varieties, based on local culture and socio-economic mores. The Anglo-Saxon model of capitalism is believed to be the original form of capitalism. While it originated in England, the Anglo-Saxon model really became famous because...

409 words | 2 page(s)

The two essays to be compared are both stories of how people in society react to different social groups and to particular kinds of individuals. They are also both stories of how, even though a person may not want to be seen in a particular way, people will inevitably be...

907 words | 4 page(s)

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Dealing With Compare And Contrast Essay Easily

In today’s time, compare and contrast essays are very common at university levels, or you might have possibly come across one before. In the simplest terms, this is a type of essay that assesses the similarities and/or differences between two distinct topics. While the subjects might fall under the same category, they can be different from one another. A great comparison essay example comparing two novels of the same historical period or two different types of pets.

A compare and contrast essay has been designed to visualize the links between two separate ideas or theories. For the comparative essay, you will be looking at what all are similar, while you will look for what is different in the comparison essay part.

Writing Down A Compare And Contrast Essay

Before writing down the compare and contrast words essay, you need to choose whether you want to contrast seemingly similar subjects, compare seemingly disparate subjects, or compare-and-contrast both. Once the topic has been decided, you need to start by writing down an engaging paragraph. Then you need to write down the statement of your thesis, which will establish the subjects and why you have chosen them for comparing and/or contrasting.

For the main body of the comparison and contrast essay, it can be organized in any one of the two ways – by individual points or by subject. The organizing of the essay will also depend on the purpose and your audience. The approach you end up choosing will depend on the nature of the subjects – some topics will suit better with one type of structure than the other. Ensure that you make use of comparison and contrast phrases/terms so that the audience gets cued into what you are trying to explain here.

Once you are done analyzing the topics for compare and contrast essays, you can finish it off with a small summary that will briefly explain the important points of your essay and reinforce your thesis.

Overall, an average compare and contrast essay template looks like:

  1. Introduction: This is the part where you introduce the two objects/ideas that you are going to compare/contrast. You need to explain both briefly and lay out the foundation for the main body.
  2. Statement of the thesis: This is where you will write down your impression about both objects. For example, you can jot down why the two objects are more similar or different to you.
  3. Main body: Here, each paragraph you write down needs to be detailed. While you need to compare or contrast the theories, you also have to ensure that each point is backed by relevant research.
  4. Conclusion: With all the main points written down, you need to explain here how they support your thesis.

Structure Of A Compare And Contrast Essay

There are two primary ways of structuring this type of essay – a block structure or a point-by-point structure.

In the block structure, you need to write down all the information about one of the two subjects that are being compared first, followed by the information about the other. This type of structure is commonly used for problem-solving and cause-and-effect essays. In point-by-point structure, you jot down a similarity/difference of both objects simultaneously.

Both methods have their own sets of merits. Block structure is much easier to write while the point-by-point structure gives you a clear idea about your work progress and the similarities/differences are highlighted more explicitly.

Compare And Contrast Essay Examples

As the name suggests, you need to choose subjects where two different theories or ideas can be discussed. This could be by anything ranging from events, ideas, people, books, sports (similar ones), music (of the same genre), etc. For instance, you can describe and compare/contrast Edison and Tesla.

Some other great compare and contrast essay examples include:

  • Undergraduate and graduate or college studies
  • Incarceration and rehabilitation
  • Vincent Van Gogh and Pablo Picasso
  • Rugby and American Football
  • Rock music and metal music
  • Generation Y and Generation Z
  • Democracy and Totalities
  • Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator

Getting Help With Comparison Essay

With the help of compare and contrast essays, explaining the similarities and differences between similar/dissimilar subjects become a lot easier. If you are a college student and looking to get your compare and contrast essay done, you can get in touch with MyCustomEssay. In particular, we have a great database of essay samples for your inspiration. Moreover, our writers are experts in different types of essays and will provide you with the best result.

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